So I just received my PET scan resiluts via voicemail. Apparently I missed the call the other day (Wednesday) and am just now getting vcaught up on emails and voicemails.
Anywho, I got the call from my awesome oncologist, Dr Rachel Lerner and she said that everything came back clean and there were NO areas of concern. So, we can simply focus on the growth on my lung and discuss a lung biopsy.
In case you missed it, I have a growth on my lung that has been there since day one measured at 5mm. However, in the last round of CTs (my one year NED anniversary) they noticed that this small growth on my lung grew from 5mm to 8mm and my blood labs showed an elevated CEA (a tumor marker) level of 5.7.
So the recommendation is to have it surgically removed and tested. I’m totally on board with this. I say, get it the hell out of me so that I can move on with my life! BUT….like everything else in my life, there’s always a catch. It’s apparently in the worst place possible, nestled up against my aorta making this (of course) an extremely risky biopsy.
So, worst case is they nick/cut/tear/etc my aorta and it’s lights out for me. But, my doctor said to just insist on a cardio-thoracic surgeon and all should go well. So, I will schedule a follow up appointment with the oncology team on Monday and then schedule the surgery for sometime during October or November.
At least the scans came back clean and I won’t have to worry about any other organ being affected by colorectal cancer (CRC). So thanks again for all the prayers, well wishes, kind words of encouragement. I really appreciate it. Hope all is well with you and your family and, have yourself a wonderful weekend! –JR
I had a report that the comment section wasn’t working so, this is only a test of the comment section. –JR