Its’ been a while since I’ve posted anything on my personal blog. Mainly because, I’ve had nothing to say. Well, that and I’ve simply been so dang busy (working) that I’ve had no time to create a new article. Good excuse huh? 😉
Well, now that world seems to be coming to an end……depending on how you look at it, I figured I’d better step up to the plate and, take one last swing. Again, I’m just not much of a writer (blogger) and I’d rather create a quick video than painfully write up an article that would take me the better part of two days, what with all the “over-thinking” about each and every paragraph and all.

So, here’s a quick (yeah right) overview / update of how I’m doing, what’s going on in my life, the family, work, church, friends, family and the neighborhood cat.
For the most part, I’ve been doing pretty well with the exception of not getting enough sleep and like always, working too much. I’ve even been slacking in the coffee mugs and pathway pictures department….you Facebook and Instagram addicts know of which I speak. Health-wise, I still haven’t scheduled my lung biopsy. I know, I know, get it done!!
For those not in the know, I’m still cancer free but recently I had my quarterly scans and blood work done and that little nodule I have in my lung started growing. It went from 5mm to 8mm in the year I’ve been cancer free.
Then, in the last four months it grew another 1mm. Now, my blood labs came back perfect and my CEA level went from 5.0 (normal human being level is 0 – 5) to a 5.1 so, they’re not too concerned that it’s a cancerous tumor going nuts in my lung BUT, they still want to get it out just to be safe.
And I get it….they don’t want me coming back in a year only see a tennis ball growing in my lung and that it turns out to be a cancerous tumor after all that has now spread to the rest of my organs (stage 4) with no cure or treatment options.

BUT, now with the stupid COVID-19 making it’s rounds and coronavirus a real threat to someone like me who already has a weakened immune system due to my battle (chemo, radiation, surgeries, more chemo, etc etc) with stage 3c colorectal cancer, it’s just not gonna get done anytime soon.
I just heard today that unless it’s an emergency, no [non-life threatening] cancer or elective surgeries will take place due to the shortage of surgical resources. So, I’m just gonna have to wait…..I should have never pushed it out / off a few months and taken care of this last fall / winter (2019).
And just so you know, it’s not a simple biopsy that anyone can conduct, because it’s located between my lung and my aorta so, they need to have a cardio-thoracic surgeon do the biopsy so they can go in, push my heart aside and take out the growth (cyst or tumor….hmmm).
Who cares right? Well, apparently they (and now I) do because, if they nick the ol’ aorta, it’d be lights out and the end of days for me on that table so…….they don’t wanna take any chances so, I just need to quit procrastinating and get it scheduled up. They should have never told me my CEA (tumor marker) levels….that’s why I kept pushing it off.
Anywho……..other than that, my health has so far, been pretty good. My pain levels remain the same though, the nerve damage (ie: neuropathy) has not improved and my innards still hurt as does my…..well, the end of the line. 😉
I have lost even more weight now and am down to 175 lbs because I eat like, once every three days…..I know, not good, right? The problem is, when I eat, I hurt, when I hurt (down there) I don’t eat. So, using the bathroom once every three days is great and I can work, drive, meet with clients, go to appointments, visit friends and family, go to coffee shops (woohoo!) and basically live a normal life.
If I eat every single day, I will be on the toilet 5-8 times a day, every day, forever! So, I compromised and eat twice a week, every three days. The issue is, on the days I’m not eating, I should be drinking my Ensure Max (30mg protein) a couple times a day, but, I haven’t been…..and is the main reason for all the weight loss.
I mean, I look great! And, I haven’t weighed this amount since high school …..but still, not good. I really need to get consistent with my meals……and not bad consistent.
With regards to work, my consulting business has been on-hold ever since I signed on FT with Central Coast Solutions. But now that the end of the world is in sight, I ramped up the website, email platform (Office 365), dusted off the customer/client lists, created a YouTube channel and setup remote consulting capabilities in-case the worst case scenario happens and I get laid off due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
You can visit my [unfinished] SoMN Consulting website, schedule a one-on-one, send me a note and even support my efforts by buying a tee-shirt, hat or hoodie. LoL Again, it’s just a backup should my employment come to an end. I’m sure we’ll pull through it and get back to a positive growth trajectory and everything will be just fine…. but like everyone says, ya just never know and with all the bills, a mortgage, car payment, food and necessities, medical supplies and a wife with disabilities….I just need to make sure I have something in-place is all.
So, if you are or know of, a business owner who needs help with business development, accounting and finance, operations, technology and or general operational efficiency, go to my website and, reach out and tell me all about it. My rates are very cost-effective and most of my work can be done remotely. I’m also working on a referral fee / bonus / program that will reward those who send business my way.
On the friends and family front, I still get a TON of friends who consistently reach out to see how I’m doing and, wanna hook up for coffee. When friends want to hook up for coffee, it’s not about me, how could it be?!? Nah, it’s always good to get out and re-connect with friends, former co-workers and do something fun besides [fun] work. I even got to go to the hockey tourney a couple weeks back and had a blast.
With regards to family, they’re all doing well and with my dad living with us, I’m able to focus on work since he takes Teresa shopping or to her many doctor appointments. Brandon (our son) is also doing great, he is working for a company in Owatonna and in the last year has been given a raise and promoted like two or three times. Sounds like someone takes after his old man when it comes to his work ethic. 😉
My mom who is recently retired and doing some nanny work on the side loves what she does, gets to travel and, makes a little extra pocket money for her many trips with friends to do some karaoke. 😉 Hopefully I’ll be able see her a little more once this global pandemic is taken care of.

My sister Michelle is doing great as usual and I do get to see her from time to time for a coffee treat here in town or the occasional Minnesota Wild game. She has a new hobby that she hopes to cash in on and has been sending me samples to beta test so, I’m excited to see how that develops and progresses once she can devote most if not all her efforts towards doing that. More to come…..
As for church, I really need to get back to going every Sunday. At the end of 2019 my pastor retired and moved away so, I just haven’t been going. They do record (audio and video) their services and put them up on the website for download or streaming, I just need to get on the ball and start going……again, once the pandemic is over with and they start having open services again.
As for the neighborhood cat (everything else), I have been working on my five websites, setting up affiliate links, recording 3 separate podcasts, recording videos for five separate YouTube channels, volunteering my time (board of directors) at the Paradise Center for the Arts as well as numerous cancer related orgs etc etc etc.
Basically, I need to slow down and reduce the workload. I’m not a cat so, I’m not sure how many lives I have left. In the last eight years I’ve had a massive heart attack and was diagnosed with cancer. I had heart surgery to save my life and then battled cancer for a year and a half so, hopefully I’m done with all that nonsense but working too much and not eating/sleeping enough is not good either so……we’ll see how it goes.
Now, with the global pandemic (COVID-19 / Coronavirus) I’m stuck in the house working, non-stop working so… an effort to have a little fun……I’m,,,,,working. *****sigh***** Yeah, working…..Stop!! I know… about a StarWars marathon. I have all the DVDs! Yup, that should do the trick. No work, no health problems, no traveling, no worrying about the food supplies at Hy-Vee and lack of shit-tickets (ie: toilet paper) at WallyWorld.
Oh yeah, and that reminds me, it’s Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month (March) but anything and everything has been about the COVID-19 / Coronavirus pandemic. But, if you get a chance, please visit my FightingCRC website and consider donating to one of the many non-profit orgs to show your support to those who suffer, battle, serve and survive colorectal cancer. I’ll get some links up shortly.
I know times are tough, so even if it’s just five bucks, it does add up and really means a lot to those who are battling cancer, those who care for them and the lucky ones who survive. Plus, it will make you feel really good when you contribute to the cause….I promise!
And if you can’t swing it, don’t sweat it……please say a prayer for those who are involved in the daily war and, that a cure is found soon. I more than welcome thoughts and prayers…..I know they work, cuz you all thought about me and prayed for me so…..keep ‘em coming. They mean more than you know!
Back to the pandemic for a second, it’s a constantly changing (medical and political) situation out there that you need to remain informed of. Every cancer patient should also remain concerned yet, calm and informed of the latest developments because you/we are at higher risk (immunosuppressed) due to surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation treatments that really do a number on the ‘ol immune system.
While reading CURE Magazine the other day, I came across this article that listed some basic guidelines for those individuals who are at higher risk such as: avoiding large gatherings, meticulous hand-washing, avoiding air travel and cruise ships while remaining even more vigilant about precautions given by the CDC and other public health channels.
Additionally (if that wasn’t enough), those of you/us with other conditions such as heart disease, lung diseases and diabetes should especially be practicing social distancing because by not doing so, can lead to complications due directly to the coronavirus as well as many other factors.

However, if you display any of the following symptoms, be sure to call ahead to determine if you should go into the ER, an urgent care center or your doctors clinic;
- development of a cough
- shortness of breath
- a fever
- ……or generally feeling sick.
Remember, be vigilant when it comes to cleanliness and wash your hands well, wipe down surfaces with disinfectant wipes if you have them, and for God’s sake, go easy on the Shit-Tickets! (ie: toilet-paper) LoL
I can’t believe the panic buying that has stripped our shelves of the basic necessities like non-perishable foods, paper products and healthcare products that have nothing to do with combating the coronavirus. *****sigh*****
Welp, that’s it for me so, until next time, hope all is well with you and, have yourself a wonderful weekend! Take care of yourself and, stay safe…’s a crazy world out there!
See Ya!! –JR
PS: Check out my latest cancer related article HERE and my latest YouTube video HERE